- Bike Set-up; suspension, tire choices, tire pressure, etc.
- Braking: where, when, how much-to get the most out of braking.
- Creating power & traction; everything to help you get the most out of your strokes.
- Cornering
- Gear Selection
- Transferring of weight & power for most effective traction.
- Pumping obstacles for free speed
- Riding up & Down small drops, ledges & steep hills.
- Jumping basics
- Flowing…Faster and Smoother
- Rock sections, Corners & Rollers
- Line Selection
- Consistency, Safest & Fastest
- Cornering
- Fast, Off-Camber, loose terrain/slick & switchbacks
- Wheelies, Manuals, Jumping
- Find the balance point
- Using techniques to go faster
- Reading different size & shape jumps
- Racing
- Mindset
- Training
- Strategy
- Overall Prep